Thursday, December 28, 2023



A promising and incompletely explored approach to fibrosis control utilizes biomaterials that modulate healing. Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) is a highly stable polymer of tetrafluoroethylene that was patented by Gore. 

Due to its biocompatibility, biostability, and high compliance, ePTFE incorporates well into many tissues and is approved for use in numerous biomedical implants, including: vascular grafts, bypass grafts, hernia membranes, and sutures. ePTFE has a porous surface comprised of nodes and fibrils which can structurally permit or prevent cellular integration. 

Implants of matching footprints were fabricated from silicone (Control) and novel, bi-layered ePTFE.

ePTFE implants included: (a) one that inflated with aqueous humor (AH) (High), (b) one that inflated with a lower profile (Low), (c) an uninflated implant not connected to the anterior chamber (Flat), and (d) one filled with material that did not allow AH flow (Filled).

All implants were placed in adult New Zealand White rabbits and followed over 1–3 months.

  • The permeability of tissue capsules surrounding GDIs was assessed using constant-flow perfusion with fluoresceinated saline at physiologic flow rates.
  • After sacrifice, quantitative histopathological measures of capsule thickness were compared among devices, along with qualitative assessment of cellular infiltration and inflammation.
  • Capsular thickness was significantly reduced in blebs over ePTFE (61.4 ±53μm) versus silicone implants (193.6 ±53μm, p =.0086).
  • AH exposure did not significantly alter capsular thickness, as there was no significant difference between High and Filled (50.9 ±29, p =.34) implants.
  • Capsules around ePTFE implants demonstrated permeability with steady-state pressure: flow relationships at physiologic flow rates and rapid pressure decay with flow cessation, while pressure in control blebs increased even at low flow rates and showed little decay.
  • Perfused fluorescein dye appeared beyond the plate border only in ePTFE implants.

Steady fluorescein outflow beyond the ePTFE implant 

In conclusion, ePTFE implants are associated with thinner, more permeable capsules compared to silicone implants simulating presently used devices.


Sunday, December 24, 2023

The mechanical theory of glaucoma in terms of prelaminar, laminar, and postlaminar factors


The mechanical theory is one of the oldest concepts regarding the development of glaucomatous neural degeneration. However, after a prolonged period of relative monopoly among the various theories explaining the pathogenesis of glaucoma, this concept gradually faded away from discourse. 

Several developments in the recent past have rekindled interest in the mechanical theory of glaucoma. Now we know a lot more about the biomechanics of the eye, prelaminar changes, mechanisms of retinal ganglion cell death, biomechanical features of the optic nerve head and sclera, extracellular matrix composition and its role, astrocytic changes, axoplasmic flow, and postlaminar factors such as translaminar pressure difference. These factors and others can be categorized into prelaminar, laminar, and postlaminar elements. 

The objective of this review was to present a concise analysis of these recent developments. 

The review has been published as a pre-print (Ahead of publication) in the Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology.

Monday, December 18, 2023

iDose TR Travoprost intracameral implant


Glaukos Corporation, the company which developed the iStent device, has announced the FDA approval of their single administration iDose TR travoprost intracameral implant.

The device is made from medical-grade titanium and measures 1.8 mm × 0.5 mm. It is implanted using a technique similar to many MIGS procedures. A gonioprism is used to identify the anterior chamber (AC) angle, a 2.2 mm incision is made in clear cornea, the AC is filled with a cohesive viscoelastic and the device is implanted through the trabecular meshwork and the back of the Schlemm’s canal directly into the scleral tissue. The device is held in place by a scleral anchor. After the end of the specified period, the device is replaced by a new one. According to some, the device can be used for 4-5 years.

The device has a membrane-bound reservoir of 75 mcg travoprost which diffuses continuously into the anterior chamber. There are two iDose TR models available, which have two different rates of drug elution (referred to as fast- and slow-release iDose TR models). This drug-delivery platform circumvents the patient compliance issue which plagues many glaucoma patients.


iDose TR is contraindicated in patients with active or suspected ocular or periocular infections, patients with corneal endothelial cell dystrophy (e.g., Fuch’s Dystrophy, corneal guttatae), patients with prior corneal transplantation, or endothelial cell transplants (e.g., Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty [DSAEK]), patients with hypersensitivity to travoprost or to any other components of the product.

Warnings and Precautions:

iDose TR should be used with caution in patients with narrow angles or other angle abnormalities. Monitor patients routinely to confirm the location of the iDose TR at the site of administration. Increased pigmentation of the iris can occur. Iris pigmentation is likely to be permanent.

Adverse Reactions:

In controlled studies, the most common ocular adverse reactions reported in 2% to 6% of patients were increases in intraocular pressure, iritis, dry eye, visual field defects, eye pain, ocular hyperaemia, and reduced visual acuity.


The FDA approval is based on results from two prospective, randomized, multicenter, double-masked, Phase 3 pivotal trials (GC-010 and GC-012) designed to compare the safety and efficacy of a single administration of one of two iDose TR models with different travoprost release rates (referred to as the fast- and slow-release iDose TR models, respectively) to topical timolol ophthalmic solution, 0.5% BID (twice a day), in reducing IOP in subjects with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. In total, the Phase 3 trials randomized 1,150 subjects across 89 clinical sites. The FDA approval and Phase 3 data referenced below is for the slow-release iDose TR model, consistent with the company’s NDA submission and commercialization plans.

Both Phase 3 trials successfully achieved the pre-specified primary efficacy endpoints through 3 months and demonstrated a favorable tolerability and safety profile through 12 months. IOP reductions from baseline over the first 3 months were 6.6-8.4 mmHg in the iDose TR arm, versus 6.5-7.7 mmHg in the timolol control arm.

 iDose TR demonstrated non-inferiority to timolol ophthalmic solution in IOP reduction during the first 3 months. The FDA also noted that subsequently iDose TR did not demonstrate non-inferiority over the next 9 months.

At 12 months, 81% of iDose TR subjects were completely free of IOP-lowering topical medications across both trials. In both trials, iDose TR demonstrated excellent tolerability and subject retention with 98% of iDose TR subjects continuing in the trial at 12 months, versus 95% of timolol control subjects. In controlled studies, the most common ocular adverse reactions reported in 2% to 6% of iDose TR patients were increases in intraocular pressure, iritis, dry eye, and visual field defects, most of which were mild and transient in nature.

Thursday, December 14, 2023



Optical coherence elastography (OCE) is an emerging biomedical imaging technique used to produce images of biological tissue in micron and submicron level and map the biomechanical property of tissues. This technology is based on the currently popular optical coherence tomography (OCT) technique. In theory, OCT generates a structural image based on light scattering determined by minute changes in the refractive index of different tissue and cell types, while OCE utilizes local tissue motion as a function of an applied stress to infer tissue stiffness (i.e., elasticity).

Many diseases affect the structural organization and function of human cells, collagen fibers, and extracellular matrix. Therefore, changes in local elastic moduli may be used to diagnose and help manage treatment of diseased tissue within the cornea, sclera, lens, and retina. Biomechanical testing can be comparatively advantageous to probe structural characteristics in both diseased and healthy tissues that are difficult to contrast using classical OCT methods.

The goal of OCE is to produce images of tissue elastic and viscoelastic properties, and ultimately quantitative maps of the static (i.e., low-frequency) Young’s modulus from maps of tissue displacements and strains detected with OCT.

An OCE system uses three steps to obtain information related to tissue elasticity: (1) mechanical loading, (2) tissue response, and (3) motion detection.

Elasticity imaging requires a physical stress to deform (displace) tissue. Resulting displacements are measured with OCT to compute strains, detect vibrations, or track the propagation of a mechanical wave. The stress–strain response of tissue, local vibration behavior, or mechanical wave content, can each be mapped spatially to solve for metrics such as the Young’s (or shear) modulus.

Mechanical loading methods are static and dynamic using both contact and noncontact approaches. For clinical applications in the anterior segment of the eye, it appears that dynamic, noncontact methods are the most translatable. Current noncontact methods include air-puff excitation, optical excitation, and acoustic microtapping (AμT) using air-coupled ultrasound. For measurements in the cornea (and sclera), optical excitation and AμT provide high bandwidth and spatially precise excitation well-matched to mechanical wave analysis.

Soft tissue responds to dynamic loading by launching mechanical waves. Broadband excitations produce mechanical waves, which in bulk materials exhibit wave speed and attenuation directly related to tissue viscoelastic parameters. Using these methods, robust, quantitative elasticity maps of structures within the anterior segment of the eye, especially the cornea, are possible.

Precise knowledge of corneal biomechanics is critical for early diagnosis, optimal management of diseased corneas (e.g., keratoconus) and predicting the risks of surgical intervention of healthy corneas, such as post-LASIK ectasia. In addition, traditional IOP measurements using direct contact are often con founded by the elastic properties of the cornea. Instruments such as the ORA and DSA attempt to account for these properties by monitoring the corneal response to a dynamic mechanical stimulus as part of IOP measurement. Dynamic tonometry is being considered as a potential screening tool for glaucoma and myopia, where there is recent evidence that corneal elasticity is linked to disease progress 70% of the population. However, it is clear that these measurements are highly susceptible to experimental conditions and cannot be used to map fundamental corneal viscoelastic parameters at high spatial resolution.

Therapeutic interventions, such as UV cross linking, have been monitored with OCE to measure the progression and retardation of collagen degradation.

Current refractive surgery planning uses a population-based average of corneal biomechanics rather than a customized treatment plan, which occasionally produces unpredictable treatment outcomes even with the most conservative selection criteria. The availability of an accurate, personalized corneal biomechanical map of individual cornea from high-resolution OCE may enable a customized treatment plan for each patient, with the biomechanical response adequately predicted for the long term.

Current clinical IOP measurements rely on indirect techniques with limited accuracy because ocular biomechanics cannot be taken into account on a patient-by-patient basis. Available systems used to measure IOP in vivo, such as Goldmann applanation, ORA, and dynamic contour and non-contact tonometry, may be improved by calibration methods that account for corneal mechanical properties. Additionally, it is difficult for conventional (not OCE based) tonometry systems to directly visualize the distribution of local corneal mechanical properties in addition to providing robust estimates of quantitative modulus values. As current clinical gold standards struggle to accurately estimate the influence of corneal mechanical properties on IOP, approaches utilizing available systems may lead to misinformed clinical decision making, a niche where OCE may find great utility.

OCE has also shown utility in lens analysis. With aging, the natural crystalline lens becomes less pliable causing reduced accommodation. This can be directly measurable using OCE methods, as demonstrated using acoustic radiation force (ARF-OCE) to detect age-related stiffness in rabbit lens. It has, however, also been reported that increased IOP affects the shear wave speed in the lens, implying a less understood IOP dependence on lens mechanical moduli.

ARF-OCE has also been demonstrated as a method to assess elasticity within the retina, potentially providing additional information regarding cellular degradation from measurements of retinal and choroidal stiffness, as well as providing further insight into how IOP affects ocular function.

Once reliable and robust measurements of elastic modulus become possible in a noninvasive manner, the micro- and macrostructure of tissue may be used to infer vast amounts of pathophysiological data.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023



Allergan’s DURYSTA biodegradable intracameral implant is the first sustained release device approved by the FDA.

The device is indicated for the reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) in patients with open-angle glaucoma (OAG) or ocular hypertension (OHTN).

DURYSTA is composed of biodegradable polymers containing 10 mcg of bimatoprost designed to release the drug in a non-pulsatile, steady-state manner over a 90-day period.

Bimatoprost is a prostaglandin analogue which lowers IOP by increasing aqueous humor outflow via both the conventional trabecular route as well as the uveoscleral pathway.

The agent may also increase aqueous humor outflow by decreasing episcleral venous pressure.


The DURYSTA implant is preloaded within a sterile applicator with a 28-gauge needle tip. Under aseptic conditions, the practitioner inserts the needle into clear cornea, enters the anterior chamber, and then depresses an actuator button to release the implant. Following release of the implant, the needle is removed and the patient is instructed to sit upright for at least one hour so that the implant can rest in the inferior part of the anterior chamber.

Placement of the implant within the anterior chamber angle allows for close proximity to the tissues involved in both of the outflow pathways, where it delivers bimatoprost 24/7 for several months.

A single administration of the bimatoprost implant was found to control IOP in 40% of patients for up to 12 months and in 28% of patients for up to 24 months.

DURYSTA is contraindicated in patients with: active or suspected ocular or periocular infections; corneal endothelial cell dystrophy (e.g., Fuchs’ Dystrophy); prior corneal transplantation or endothelial cell transplants (e.g., Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty [DSAEK]); absent or ruptured posterior lens capsule, due to the risk of implant migration into the posterior segment; hypersensitivity to bimatoprost or to any other components of the product.

The commonest adverse effect reported is conjunctival hyperemia, seen in 27% of patients. Other side-effects are foreign body sensation, eye pain, photophobia, conjunctival hemorrhage, dry eye, eye irritation, increased IOP, corneal endothelial cell loss, blurred vision, iritis, and headache.

Ocular adverse reactions occurring in 1-5% of patients were anterior chamber cell, lacrimation increased, corneal edema, aqueous humor leakage, iris adhesions, ocular discomfort, corneal touch, iris hyperpigmentation, anterior chamber flare, anterior chamber inflammation, and macular edema.

As with other PG analogues, DURYSTA can cause permanent iris pigmentation.

DURYSTA should be used with caution in patients with narrow iridocorneal angles (Shaffer grade < 3) or anatomical obstruction (e.g., scarring) that may prohibit settling in the inferior angle.





Saturday, December 9, 2023



Synthetic, nanofiber-based GDIs with partially degradable inner cores have been evaluated in a study to assess the effect of surface topography on implant performance.

It was observed in vitro that nanofiber surfaces supported fibroblast integration and quiescence, even in the presence of pro-fibrotic signals, compared to smooth surfaces.

GDIs with a nanofiber architecture were biocompatible, prevented hypotony, and provided a volumetric aqueous outflow comparable to commercially available GDIs.

The authors were of the opinion that that the physical cues provided by the surface of the nanofiber-based GDIs mimic healthy extracellular matrix structure, reducing fibroblast activation and potentially extending functional GDI lifespan. These tubes were also found to minimize conjunctival fibrosis-related gene expression.

Nanofiber-based stents were found to retain architecture and promote cell integration in vivo. This is in comparison to commercially available implants which were found to activate fibrosis within 1-2 months after implantation, in experimental models.

The nanofiber implants were found to reduce subconjunctival fibrosis. Masson's trichrome staining of tissue surrounding smooth GDIs revealed abundant collagen deposition with a capsular thickness of 610±161μm, whereas the subconjunctival space surrounding the 9mm Nano GDIs was edematous with a capsule thickness of 79±45μm (p = 0.0004). this was also confirmed with quantitative analysis of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) from αSMA stained IF images which showed that the smooth GDI increased fibroblast activation compared to the Nano GDI.

Comparison of nano-tubes, Baerveldt implant and Xen implant

Experimentally cultured fibroblasts on nanofibers were found to have increased levels of IL-33, MMP-10, IL-6, and COL6A6 transcripts which have been associated with successful, non-fibrotic outcomes. Additionally, nanofibers significantly attenuated the expression of the pro-fibrotic marker MYOCD28, 29 under both stimulated and unstimulated conditions.

Sunday, December 3, 2023



The OCULUS GONIO ready ® is a microscope attachment developed by Oculus, that enables the surgeon to perform MIGS procedures easily with both hands.

Currently, the surgeon has to hold the gonio-lens with one hand when performing MIGS procedures.

With this device, the surgeon is free to use both hands and have a bimanual approach when performing glaucoma surgeries.

It is possible to use this attachment with a number of microscopes. The list of compatible microscopes is available at the OCULUS GONIO ready ® website.

The device is for single-use only, overcoming the hassle of sterilization of the gonio-lenses and providing excellent optical quality consistently.

The device is small, yet provides impeccable depth of field and a large field of view (180-degrees), thus, improving the peripheral awareness.

Due to small size of the device, it can be used in pediatric patients also.

The device has a patented Flex System, a flexible “swan neck”, which enables surgeons to allow the lens to float atop the cornea, reducing image distortion and offering better access to corneal incisions for any MIGS device.

This system avoids creating any additional pressure against the patient’s eye, ensuring a more comfortable and relaxing patient experience. Additionally, the Flex System is flexible enough to be moved around during MIGS but is sufficiently resistant to movement so as not to be inadvertently displaced, thus offering consistent, repeatable, and stable lens positioning throughout the procedure.

The device is specifically designed to optimize performance with either a f = 175 mm or f = 200 mm microscope objective lens: 

  • 10011226: GONIO ready® 175, for f = 175 mm
  • 10008420: GONIO ready® 200, for f = 200 mm


Tuesday, November 28, 2023




Fedorov Restoration Therapy claims to be a non-invasive and non-surgical way to naturally restore or improve vision, with stable outcomes and without risks of side effects.

These positive outcomes are accomplished through the application of weak electrical current pulses which stimulate partially-damaged retinal cells and improve the conductivity of signals to the brain. The therapy cannot replace damaged cells or regenerate optic nerves; instead, it increases the functionality of preserved cells on the retina and enhances the activity along optic nerves.

In addition, electrical stimulation therapy influences brain electrophysiology on a network level. This, in turn, affects the sensitization of deafferented regions or the synchronization (entrainment) of neuronal network firing with long-lasting (plasticity) changes.

The application of electrical stimulation therapy (repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation) is based on the potential of the vision system to adapt to functional and structural changes that can be induced by external influence. For example, by using electrical current impulses. Clinical experience has shown that, if such activation is performed for several weeks, it can cause significant changes (induced plasticity of visual system) in the functional state (activation) of the entire brain-vision system.

Results can be achieved through therapeutic electrical stimulation that activates the retinal ganglion cells, improves the signal conductivity through visual pathways (including the optic nerve), and embodies the visual cortex reserves, resulting in an optimal, functional state of the whole brain and improving the vision system. Treatment by properly adjusted impulses (electric current therapy) focuses on non-invasive electrical activation of retinal neurons using impulses with different shapes and ranges through electrodes located around the eyes (periorbitally).

External electrical signals applied to the retina can cause functional activity in the visual cortex (prestriate area) located deep in the brain.

In a study published in the journal Brain Stimulation, 446 patients with optic nerve lesions received repetitive transorbital alternating current stimulation (rtACS). Current bursts (<1000 μA, 5-20 Hz) were applied to induce phosphenes for one or two 10-day stimulation periods. Efficacy was assessed by monocular measurements of visual acuity and visual field (VF) size. EEG recordings at rest (n = 68) were made before and after treatment and global power spectra changes were analyzed.

The study reported that rtACS improved VF size in the right and left eye by 7.1% and 9.3% (p < 0.001), respectively. VF enlargements were present in 40.4% of right and 49.5% of left eyes. Visual acuity (VA) significantly increased in both eyes (right = 0.02, left = 0.015; p < 0.001). A second 10-day course was conducted 6 months in a subset of 62 patients and resulted in additional significant improvements of VA.

REFERENCE: Fedorov A, Jobke S, Bersnev V, Chibisova A, Chibisova Y, Gall C, Sabel BA. Restoration of vision after optic nerve lesions with noninvasive transorbital alternating current stimulation: a clinical observational study. Brain Stimul. 2011 Oct;4(4):189-201. doi: 10.1016/j.brs.2011.07.007. Epub 2011 Oct 6. PMID: 21981854.


Indications for treatment include different forms of vision deterioration marked by a decrease in visual ability, different types of visual field defects, or a combination of the two. We consider each case individually and can discuss with you after reviewing your medical records whether treatment is recommended. The following diseases and consequences respond positively to treatment:


  • Glaucoma (glaucomatous optic neuropathy)
  • Ischemic lesion (anterior arterial and non-arterial ischemic neuropathy)
  • Central retinal artery /vien occlusion
  • Traumatic injuries (traumatic optic nerve atrophy or traumatic optic neuropathy)
  • Brain tumor or non-tumor mass (post-tumor optic neuropathy)
  • Hydrocephalus, including Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)
  • Neuromyelitis Optica and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders (NMOSD)
  • Optic neuritis by Multiple Sclerosis
  • Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)
  • Toxic damages of the optic nerve (due to different medicine or methanol poising)
  • Congenital optic nerve atrophy including Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH)
  • Optic disc drusen (ODD) or optic nerve head drusen (ONHD)
  • Radiation neuropathy


  • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • Stargardt’s macular degeneration
  • Other form of rode-cone retinal dystrophies
  • Dry type of Age related Macular Degeneration
  • Dystrophic chorioretinitis (for myopia)
  • Angiopathy, or the initial stage of retinopathy in diabetes



  • Ischemic stroke
  • Cerebral hemorrhage
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Tumors
  • Inflammatory processes


Fedorov Restoration Therapy is not recommended for vision loss caused by:

  • Cataract or pathology of cornea
  • Age-related diminished ability to focus on near objects (presbyopia)
  • Astigmatism or hyperopia
  • Visual impairments caused by retinal bleedings or detachment
  • Vision deterioration due to diabetic retinopathy
  • Blindness or light perception

Saturday, November 18, 2023



Reproductive factors have been found to be important risk factors associated with a wide range of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The reproductive factors such as age at menarche and menopause are all indicators of exposure to endogenous female hormones. There is increasing evidence of the correlation between reproductive factors and OAG.

A meta-analysis to determine the association between reproductive factors including age at menarche, age at menopause, reproductive period, parity, and the risk of OAG in women was performed by Kai and colleagues.

The ages for menarche and menopause were defined as the ages when menstruation started and ended, and the reproductive period was taken as the time from menarche to menopause. Meanwhile, parity was defined as the number of deliveries.

Seven articles, which included 18,618 women, were analyzed in this review.

The pooled results indicated that late age at menarche (≥13 y) was significantly associated with an increased risk of OAG (OR=1.76, 95% CI: 1.28, 2.43).

Early menopause (<45 y) also significantly elevated the risk of OAG (OR=1.89, 95% CI: 1.23, 2.90) in categorical meta-analyses, consistent with the inverse linear relationship between menopausal age and the risk of OAG in dose-response analyses (P=0.002). However, the association turned insignificant among women who experienced menopause between the age of 45 and 49 years (OR=1.13, 95% CI: 0.76, 1.68). Neither long nor short reproductive period was associated with the risk of OAG (<30 vs. ≥35 y: OR=1.53, 95% CI: 0.65, 3.61; 30–34 vs. ≥35 y: OR=1.67, 95% CI: 0.75, 3.70).

In addition, women who had delivered at least 5 children were at significantly higher risk of OAG compared with those who were nulliparous (OR=2.35, 95% CI: 1.02, 5.39), and a J-shape relationship between parity and OAG was observed in dose-response analyses (P<0.001).

The study concluded that late menarche (≥13 y), early menopause (<45 y), and a history of 5 or more parturitions are possible risk factors for OAG. Longitudinal studies are warranted to further examine the relationships between reproductive factors and the risk of OAG.

Lifetime exposure to endogenous estrogen mainly occurs in the reproductive period between menarche and menopause, and thus some speculative theories have centered on estrogen to explain the associations of menarche and menopause with OAG. Estrogen has been proposed to increase the level of nitric oxide and subsequently reduce vascular resistance, which seemed to play a role in the pathogenesis of glaucoma. The estrogen metabolism single-nucleotide polymorphism pathway was previously found to be associated with OAG, which signals the possible impact of genetic factors. In addition, glaucoma is considered an optic neuropathy, while previous studies have reported that estrogen had a protective effect on the optic nerve. Estrogen deficiency may contribute to accelerated aging and greater susceptibility to glaucomatous damage. Therefore, the higher risk of OAG found in women who experienced late menarche or early menopause may be explained by a longer absence of exposure to estrogens.


Thursday, November 16, 2023



Prof. Ravi Thomas was one of the most colorful and brilliant ophthalmologists of our generation. He had published hundreds of articles, especially related to glaucoma (A PubMed search came up with 173 results). He was also an interesting speaker and was often in the limelight during conferences.

I first came in contact with him in 2001, when he published an article on Automated Perimetry in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. There were some points which I could not understand and so I made some drawings on Paint software and emailed him. He replied almost immediately, writing that he was in Korea and would look into the points I mentioned when he returned back to India. He also asked me about the software I had used to make the drawings.

In 2015 I finally had the opportunity to meet him during the World Glaucoma Congress in Hong Kong. 

In 2019 I emailed him regarding my blog and requested him for a post. However, he was busy and we couldn't get any article from him.

His life journey has been cut short suddenly, there was still a lot he could have contributed to ophthalmology in general and glaucoma in particular. 

May his soul rest in peace.

Dr. Syed Shoeb Ahmad
Admin, Glaucoma Specialist Blog: The Glog 

Thursday, November 2, 2023



Artificial intelligence (AI) for actual clinical practice in glaucoma is still fraught with numerous limitations. Tae Keun Yoo, from the B&VIIT Eye Center, Seoul, Korea, discusses the role of AI in glaucoma in this correspondence published in the Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence (JMAI).

First, the criteria for glaucoma diagnosis should be standardized. As commented by Goldmann et al., there is currently a lack of a standardized “ground truth” definition of glaucoma. The spectrum of glaucoma is wide, and there is a shortage of glaucoma experts worldwide. Therefore, the clinical practice patterns in the management of glaucoma may differ from practitioner to practitioner, and the treatment regimen differ. This problem poses many obstacles to the development and clinical validation of diagnostic devices for glaucoma.

For more accurate performance, it is important to compare and standardize glaucoma diagnostic data at as many centers as possible and train the AI model based on this verified dataset.

Second, it is important to analyze the time-series and multimodal data of patients with glaucoma. The evaluation of glaucoma commonly involves measuring intraocular pressure, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, and visual field analysis. The progression of functional or structural damage during follow-up is an important factor in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma. Each measurement reflects only a few clinical aspects of glaucoma.

In addition, errors often occur in one measurement domain; therefore, other domains must be complemented to evaluate glaucoma. Recently, time-series analyses and multimodal deep-learning models have been studied for glaucoma diagnosis. In the future, large-scale data analyses based on these approaches will succeed in a more accurate glaucoma evaluation.

Third, detailed data on neurodegenerative and systemic metabolic conditions should be collected along with glaucoma data to predict progression. In addition, neurodegenerative diseases have been shown to be predictable by fundus photography, and most are closely related to the optic nerve head and the retinal nerve fiber layer in glaucoma. AI technology based on multimodal deep learning is increasingly used to analyze high-definition images in every area to reveal the relationship between systemic diseases and retinal images in greater detail.

Finally, generative AI techniques should be applied to overcome the lack of pathological data. Data shortages frequently occur because of security or privacy issues. Learning about the imbalanced medical data may result in a biased diagnostic model. Data augmentation techniques are required for accurate diagnosis in the clinical field, and recently developed generative deep learning models such as generative adversarial networks (GAN) provide solutions to this problem. Although still in their infancy, diffusion models, which are newly introduced generation technologies after GAN, can generate fundus photographs. As data quality is increasingly improved based on a large amount of data, realistic generative fundus images will be synthesized based on a large amount of data in the future.

In conclusion, various strategies are required to develop AI for glaucoma diagnosis and treatment. As Goldmann et al. commented, this cannot be solved at once and should be based on the interdisciplinary integration and mutual support of all complementary approaches.


  An innovative approach to glaucoma treatment is electrical stimulation of the retina and optic nerve. In a study by Gall, transcutaneous...