Monday, July 1, 2019


As ophthalmologists we need to keep in touch with knowledge, either gained previously during our education and experience or to enhance and attain new information by studying books and journals, attending seminars and conferences, consulting experts of the particular field and visiting websites dedicated as information portals. However, often our focus during these interactions tends to waver, especially if the topic being discussed is either not of our interest or beyond our understanding of the subject. A talk on strabismus would most probably put me to sleep, as it is a topic which hardly interests me.

Therefore, we need to gain knowledge and test ourselves to be sure that we have indeed grasped the topic we are studying. In this context is the concept of Continuing Medical Education (CME). This is a quantum jump in the way we had been attaining knowledge after the completion of our post-graduate or specialty course. By insisting on compulsory CME points many organizations are improving the professional health of doctors.

It is the knowledge that we have gained which reflects in the manner we manage our patients and our interactions with others.
A prescription reflects your education and experience

A good way to participate in CME related activities is to enroll for online courses. This post takes a look at some free-to-access online CME and certificate courses which could benefit our community. 

Disclaimer: I did not personally check each website and not sure if it’s free-to-access.


This website is powered by Orbis and has a number of online courses available for free. There is only one course dedicated to glaucoma.

International Council of Ophthalmology:

ICO also has a page on its website where CME related information is available.

International Centre for Eye Health:

ICEH of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has a large number of courses available on its website.

The Open Education for Eye Health program has developed a series of open online courses in key topics in public health eye care. The courses are free to access and the course material published under a non-restrictive Creative Commons license as Open Educational Resources (OERs).


This website provides links to a number of online CME courses.


This popular website also has CME activities related to Ophthalmology .


This is a very good portal which provides links to many online courses in all subjects.


EyeCare provides online courses for the allied/para-medical staff and other technicians related to Ophthalmic assisting.

Lions Aravind Institute of Community Ophthalmology:

India’s premier ophthalmic group, Aravind Eye Care System, through its knowledge portal: LAICO provides online courses for the entire Ophthalmic team.

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